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505, 2020

10 Tips For Digital Marketing In Covid-19

digital marketing in Vietnam- Graphicwise



10 Tips For Digital Marketing In Covid-19

#1. Do Digital Business Transformation

If you have a traditional business – an offline shop, then you will notice that your customers surely do full research before purchasing. People start to spend more time on the Internet, and obviously, search traffic has increased significantly. It is your disadvantage to not have an online shop or website in this season. Create one immediately if you do not have one. Remember to make it friendly to the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for staying in Google top results pages (SERPs). By this way, people can find your business easily.

#2. Visualize On Social Media

Coronavirus social isolation is changing people’s lives, whether the test result is positive or negative. We are much more cautious and keep ourselves and our children staying at home and refusing all outdoor activities. As people spend most of their time staying at home, and of course, on social media, it is an opportunity for your company / your brand to pop up. Avoid all sales messages at this moment, instead, show them your empathy and support to the community.

#3. Use Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising is an online advertising model that payment is made on each click on your online ads by users. That means, when your company runs PPC, you are only charged when your advertisements are clicked. You might ask, why you need to use PPC advertising. In covid-19 time, most people work and stay at home for safety; then their time of using the internet is increasing, for work, education, shopping and entertaining. Using PPC in this moment to connect with your customers and your potential leads. You can consider PPC as your competitive advantage with its easy launch, low budget and selective users. When all businesses try to cut their costs on marketing and advertising in this difficult time, running a PPC will bring you more attention with low cost-per-click. This gives your business an opportunity to gain more market share.

#4. Build SEO Campaign

As mentioned above, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will make your business website on Google top results pages (SERPs) and increase your company organic traffic. However, standing in Google’s top result page is not simple and immediate. You need to set up a SEO campaign by analyzing your current website, researching your keywords, working on great content, doing on-page SEO, and monitoring and building topic relevance. SEO is a process, not an action. If you do not maintain your SEO campaign, you can not keep your website stand in Google top page. Although it is time-consuming, it is worth for your business to pop up when people search.

#5. Offer Special Promotion

It is an opportunity to show your empathy by offering special promotion in this season, especially necessity business. In hard time, people do not stop spending, they just spend less. Therefore, you could create offers for your current market or new market that you want to reach. Do not forget to analyze and set up goals for the promotion before launching, as well as measuring its result. It is great to combine the offering with PPC and social media.

#6. Improve Local SEO

More time staying at home means people spend more time on online shopping, but not everything could buy online. They would go out for food and necessities. Local shops and supplies are preferable. make your business local known by optimizing your website with “near me” searches. Besides, remember to add your business to google maps, so people can find your shop easier. Finally, do not forget to ask your current customers to write some positive reviews for your shop on Google Place.

#7. Adapt Your Business

In the situation that people are likely staying at home, you can not continue your traditional business operation as usual. You need a change. For instance, your shoes business sells shoes both online and offline. In this season, you can apply free shipping policy, provide free gift products, create new return and refund policy, do live-stream shopping, offer online launch for new arrivals … Depends on your business model, you can create more ideas. Do announce your customers about your company sanitation practice. It is time to make your customers remember your company and know that you are ready to serve.

#8. Prevent The Panic

Be calm in the panic, as you want your business to survive in this season. Worry and stress do not bring any help. Business still runs with employees working from home, a high sanitation workplace and unnecessary costs cut. Some businesses think digital marketing should stop in this time. It is a bad idea. Let’s spend more time on your digital data and metrics, and analyze before making any decision. Make a good move by implementing a smart digital marketing strategy.

#9. Improve Your Social Media

Use this down time as a chance to change your business operation or renew it. Do your company have an instagram account? When was the last time your website updated? Are there any to-do activities you missed? Improve your social media such as the website, Facebook fanpage, third-party websites and applications… If you do not optimize SEO, it is time to do.

#10. Prepare For The Bounce Back

The outbreak will end soon, after a few months. If you do nothing now and wait until it ends, you might be lost to your competitors. Plan, plan and plan for any scenarios you can think, so you can react better. Use the down time as time for reflecting and improving your business. Spend money wisely. For SEO, it is a long-term marketing strategy, you can spend less but not pausing it. Your action today would affect your organic traffic and revenue in the next few months, so be cautious.

For more information on Graphicwise’s services, please visit,, or hotline +84-903-660-047 for a free initial consultation, and to experience new ways to promote your business.

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505, 2020

5 adapts in business operation to defeat covid-19

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5 adapts in business operation to defeat covid-19

In the Covid-19 down time, businesses have been affected by government policies like banning gatherings, restricting going out, closing restaurants, bars, cinemas and unnecessary retail stores… which causes significant loss in revenue.

Fortunately, there are ways to lessen by changing business operations. Whether your company opens or closes at this moment, checking these following solutions will support your operational management to overcome current difficulties.

#1. Build a specialized, quick-response team defeating Covid-19

Lập đội chuyên trách phản ứng nhanh cho mùa dịch

Businesses should list out the most important activities, key employees and goals in the quarantine. To achieve the goal, you should set up a functional team to deal with the epidemic. Team members, suggested by Graphicwise, should come from departments such as research and product development (R&D), marketing, sales and customer care.

This functional team needs to quickly respond to the disease situation, government policies, company situation.. and then seize the opportunity such as researching new products, developing marketing strategies, creating sales promotion, and making new customer care policies … to fit the needs of the market.

#2. Build new business process

Xây dựng quy trình kinh doanh

Each department in the business has a different workflow, however, during the outbreak, these processes would cause stagnation, which affects business operation and revenue. Thus, you and the department heads should discuss to find out solutions for an optimized simple process.

This new business process should also apply to your functional team. Companies in the coronavirus season have to respond quickly to the market. An optimum process helps you business run fast and smooth through difficulties.

#3. Manage your suppliers and customers

quản lý nhà cung cấp và khách hàng

If your business already has a good process, that is great but not enough. Write down your key suppliers and customers then compare with your products and services to find out the best-selling and the uppopular ones. It might take some time. You should discuss with your suppliers about your business situation and also their current plan to maintain the goods and services. If they stop supplying, find substitutes as soon as possible.

Besides, identify your current customers’ needs and make sure your company can satisfy them. Plus, customer care policy and delivery service must be improved and optimized to fit the situation.

#4. Launch new products and services

Tìm kiếm khám phá sản phẩm mới

Coronavirus gives a negative impact on businesses. On the other hand, it gives an opportunity for businesses to focus on researching, developing and launching new products for the current market.

For instance, in Vietnam, the government has eliminated the infectious disease by closing border gates, which stops exporting agricultural products. Local farmers then have to sell their foods – normally exported – for the locals with cheaper prices. Many ‘rescue’ fruit campaigns have appeared. Catch the opportunity, many food businesses such as bakeries or food factories buy the fruits and make new launching cakes and foods.

Another example is, social isolation opens time for delivery services in developing countries like restaurants that sell takeout food – instead of closing, with new product packaging design for high sanitation.

#5. Change business model properly

Thay đổi kênh kinh doanh phù hợp

Most traditional businesses’ revenue depends on their location. In the current situation, when all shops have to close – except the necessities, traditional businesses face an uncertain future. If you own one, you need to change your business model.

First, you should adjust your current products, make it profitable and digital. Next, let’s mobilize your team by using the advantage of digital technologies and expanding your market share. Approaching your customers correctly with right marketing strategies will bring sales over expectations.
These are 5 suggestions of Graphicwise for business owners in Vietnam. If you have any questions, or need advice on how to execute, do not hesitate to contact us.

For more information on Graphicwise’s services, please visit,, or hotline +84-903-660-047 for a free initial consultation, and to experience new ways to promote your business.

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2904, 2020

What PR and Marketing should do in Covid-19 time?

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What PR and Marketing should do in Covid-19 time

The world is devastated by Covid-19 – known as coronavirus – with tightened policies and social isolation. It affects and changes all the world, especially business. It concerns people and makes them stress. People tend to buy necessities and ignore the advertisements, TCV or product launches. In your business, should you continue to spend money for them? In this writing, we will find out how it affects PR and Marketing in business.

How does Covid-19 affect your business?

Corona virus -PR and Marketing during the Covid-19 season

Business stays dull in the covid-19 season with sales being low. Usual PR and marketing strategies are not effective in this unusual time. The Reason is: People panic and they don’t put attention on business anymore. Any messages sent at this moment is annoying and would be ignored.

This is the solution. Consider some and create your own.

#1. Remote working

Work from home is a great solution at this time. Run your business remotely to reduce not only the virus spread but also some unnecessary costs. Meetings can be online too through video conferencing or webinars. If this does not fit, you could consider applying rotational shift work or scheduling mandatory at-home days.

work at home

#2. Connect with your customers

Instead of sales messages, send your customers some useful tips or encouragement. For example, a financial company can send their customers tips on how to save money in the covid-19 season or SMEs can run sale in low profit to support community.

#3. Cut all avoidable costs

Press releases and premieres – great tools in PR strategies – now are a weight for your business. People don’t care and it is not the right time. You should cut all redundant costs and spend money wisely. Remember, cash is lifeblood of business.

#4. Follow your “missing” projects

We all have passion projects in business, but sometimes we don’t have enough time or people for them. It is a wonderful chance for us to comeback and follow them. You can continue to release books, update company blogs, renew the website, create video clips or just make new promotions. Leadership and organizational restructuring is also a worth idea too.

#5. Make your business “more online”

Replace PR events and sales launches by live conferencing published on company website, fanpage and youtube channel. Updating your Twitter, Instagram and online your chatting box. This is beneficial even the crisis disappears.

Focus on online services

# 6. Building social media

If your company does not have one, it is time to do. People spend more time on the internet so having social media is an advantage. Remember to update your information and news frequently.

#7. Optimize digital marketing

Double check your company blog, website, third-party websites or applications, and optimize them fully. Remember to remove bad backlinks and check SEO ranking. Display your content as most attractive as possible.

#8. Support community

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in this hard time will connect your brand and community much more closely and effectively. You can support the community with money, gifts, volunteer work, technology or any idea you have.
We believe these few strategies would help your business survive in this hard time. Besides, you could create some new ones that fits your company. As covid -19 might last longer than we expect, in this period, you should focusing on content for your brand and social media, which easily reached your target customers. Concentrate on content marketing to pull ahead of your competitors in business.

We wish your company safe during this hard season.

For more information on Graphicwise’s services, please visit,, or hotline +84-903-660-047 for a free initial consultation, and to experience new ways to promote your business.

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2804, 2020

Small Business Marketing Tips During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Small Business Marketing Tips During the COVID-19 Pandemic

It’s a scary time for small businesses during this COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the coronavirus, many businesses have been forced to close, many others have lost a significant percentage of customers, and most have been reduced to skeleton crews and/or a 100% remote workforce.

And if you’re like me, then you’re now forced to work from home while also homeschooling your children. For me, that means my days are spent teaching my daughter 1st-grade math, writing, reading, music, gym, and theater, while also keeping my preschool 5-year old son engaged with activities. Oh, and don’t forget cooking, doing dishes, cleaning, and laundry. That doesn’t leave much time for work…

In other words, it’s a nightmare!

That’s the bad news…

But Let’s Talk About the Good News

The good news is that this is also a unique opportunity that comes maybe once in a lifetime. Think of it as an opportunity to invest in Google or Facebook when nobody had heard of those companies. Obviously, knowing what you know now, it would have been a no-brainer to invest in Google or Facebook. However, when they first launched it was scary because it was uncharted territory.

I would argue we’re in a similar situation now. There is a lot to be gained if we stay focused on the future instead of getting too caught up in the negativity circulating in the media.

Don’t Panic!

For some small businesses, this pandemic could literally be the end. However, if your company is not at immediate risk of going out of business, then I urge you to read on and heed the advice in this article.

Again, this may be an opportunity that you don’t want to pass by. Here are some tips to help you come out on top during this pandemic…

Tip #1: Invest In Your Marketing If You Can

Many of your competitors are taking their foot off of the marketing pedal, which means you may be able to blow right by them! Think of it like the hare taking a break while in the lead only to let the tortoise win the race with consistent effort. Don’t take your foot off the pedal!

Of course, I realize many businesses are simply not able to invest due to lost revenue and if that’s the case then simply skip this tip. However, for everyone else, this is the most important takeaway of this article. Now is the time to invest more, not less in your marketing. That is how you can gain a competitive advantage in the months and years to come.

Tip #2: Reassess & Reallocate Your Marketing Budget

Clearly, trade shows are simply not an option with the COVID-19 pandemic. So if you were planning to invest $X into trade shows or other in-person events, then now is to time to divert that budget into other channels, such as digital marketing.

Also, some of our clients have paused or reduced online advertising with Google Ads, for example, and moved that budget over to search engine optimization (SEO). That way, they can make improvements in their organic rankings that will help them overtake their competitors when the pandemic is over. If you have shut off ads and you can afford to continue to invest in marketing, then I would strongly recommend reallocating that budget to improving your search rankings. This is an investment that could yield a very strong return once business returns to normal.

Tip #3: Change Your Delivery Method

If you have a brick-and-mortar business where you’re no longer able to see customers/patients in-person, then see if you’re able to generate revenue or generate leads or set appointments through other means.

For example, here are some ways you may be able to change your delivery methods during this pandemic:

Dentists/orthodontists can offer virtual consultations instead of in-person consultations – and the same goes for financial advisors and other types of professionals.

Local retailers can offer to deliver goods to customers instead of people coming into their stores.
Massage spas can promote their products instead of their services since they can’t see people in-person
Other businesses can offer discounts for payment up-front. For example, restaurants near me are offering “bonds” where customers can pay $75 to get $100 worth of food in the future when the restaurant reopens. Businesses could do something similar with discounted gift certificates.

Tip #4: Focus on Your Existing Customers

This is really Marketing 101.

However, this pandemic is a good reminder that it’s much easier and less costly to market to existing customers versus acquiring new customers.

The key question here is, “What else can you do to help your existing customers?” Can you offer additional products or services? Can you speed up your delivery for an additional fee? Can you sell more with a bulk discount? Can you partner with another business to enhance your product or service?

At Main Street ROI, we have some clients that want to increase their marketing with us by adding additional services during the COVID-19 pandemic! This relates to tip #1 above and it could be true for your business as well.

Lastly, Try to Enjoy the Ride!

As I mentioned earlier, this is a scary time to be a small business. I’ll admit it, I’m scared too, but I’m also cautiously optimistic. I truly believe our business will be stronger and healthier when this is all over.

And each day I try to just enjoy the ride. As Steven Tyler of Aerosmith sang, “Life’s a journey, not a destination.” Hopefully, this won’t last much longer, which also means I likely won’t ever get this chance again to home school my daughter, play (nearly) all day long with my son, and see my wife 24/7.

It’s a unique time in history and it’s worth taking a moment to soak it all in. Chances are you and your business will be just fine.
In the meantime, stay safe and stay at home!

(source: mainstreetroi)

For more information on Graphicwise’s services, please visit,, or hotline +84-903-660-047 for a free initial consultation, and to experience new ways to promote your business.


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1604, 2020

15 Important tips for working from home during the Coronavirus outbreak

digital marketing in Vietnam- Graphicwise



15 Important tips for working from home during the Coronavirus outbreak

Because of the coronavirus outbreak, there are a lot more of us working from home to try to slow the spread of the virus. But turning your home into your office is tricky even in the best of times, as it can be super hard to separate work and life when they’re both happening in the same place.

Here are a few things you can do to try to effectively work from home without driving yourself into a pit of misery.

working from home during the Coronavirus

#1. First, get changed out of your pajamas every morning. It’ll help get you in the right headspace for work and allow you to take video calls on the fly.

#2. Pick one or more dedicated workspaces, ideally with a decent chair that will support your back.

#3. But try to keep your bedroom as a sacred space for sleeping and relaxing where work is banned. It’ll help make the work-life divide a little clearer.

#4. Wake up more than five minutes before your workday starts. You need time to prepare for the day, both mentally and physically.

#5. Try wearing shoes, because let’s be real: You probably wouldn’t be chilling barefoot in an office. It’s another way to try to keep that line between work and relaxation crystal clear.

tips for working from home

#6. Sign out and turn off notifications for work-related email and instant messaging when the day is over — especially if you’re signed in on your personal devices.

#7. Listen to music or put the TV on quietly, since working from home can sometimes be a little too quiet, which makes it difficult to focus.

#8. Overworking can be a real issue, so clearly define what hours you will be working and stick to it.

#9. And have lunch breaks where you don’t look at anything work-related.

#10. Also, take frequent breaks so you don’t burn out. You’re probably not actually working 100% of the time when you’re in an office anyway.

Be sure to socialize after work - working at home

#11. Be sure to socialize after work, even if it’s just a video call, to keep the loneliness at bay.

#12. Don’t do household chores randomly throughout the day, since it can get distracting. Instead, schedule a specific time for them.

#13. Communicate to people you live with that you’re working, like if you have a video call with your coworkers and need everyone to be quiet.

#14. Use headphones and mute your microphone during conference calls (unless you’re speaking) to minimize the amount of audio feedback and times that random sounds interrupt the conversation.

#15. Be in regular contact with your team, in part to make sure that you’re actually working from home.

walk around your block - working from home

#16. Go outside! Even if it’s just a quick walk around your block, the fresh air will do wonders.

#17. Finally, stay active. If you can’t go to an IRL fitness class or to the gym, there are plenty of effective workouts you can do at home.

Hopefully, the above tips will be useful in times of social isolation and still need to remain effective. Do not hesitate to contact us at, or hotline + 84-903-660-047 if you have any questions or need assistance.

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1604, 2020

7 tips to help brands manage the coronavirus crisis

digital marketing in Vietnam- Graphicwise



7 tips to help brands manage the coronavirus crisis

The coronavirus crisis of 2019 / 2020 (COVID-19) will have a strong impact on the global economy in the months and years that will follow. Businesses have to deal with many different situations, and each business will have different ways of handling those challenges. In addition to businesses that produce essential goods or services — which will continue to stay busy and thrive — other businesses are facing the difficult challenge of reduced revenue, losing contracts, losing clients, decreasing sales, and decrease in market demand. While some businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy, some exist only enough to flat.  Others turn RISK into CHANCE, taking advantage of this time to restructure, increase brand recognition, and boost sales.  According to some of the biggest and brightest minds in marketing, a crisis is always a best time to improve a business, given the landscape is ready for more aggressive businesses to carve our their niche, show their

So, what is the key to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on the business? And what are the opportunities for businesses to sow into customers’ minds about their brands?

brands manage the coronavirus crisis

#1. Consolidating brand identity system

The top priority solution for businesses at this stage is to consolidate core identities such as standardizing logos, brand identity, … or investing in media publications such as company profile, product catalog, sales brochure, … These tools help create brand consistency, create trust and increase the reputation of the business in the hearts of customers.

This is also a golden time for businesses to promote outstanding or undeveloped work previously because of the lack of time and resources, for example: website redesign, e-commerce identity, online sales. to expand the new market segment, standardize the business process, develop a business orientation to overcome the pandemic.

Consolidating brand identity system

#2. Don’t just pay attention to sales, focus helping your customers

The most important question of marketers at this stage is not “How can we push sells?” but instead, “How can we support customers more?” Focusing only on profits in the current context will not help the brand of the company make any progress but sometimes cause the opposite reaction.

In this situation, many businesses, especially e-commerce enterprises, media and technology in the world have stepped up their support, showing responsibility to the community and society in combating viruses. The support from your brand is not necessarily by cash. However, donating or providing your services or products to people who need help at this time is a must and it has a great impact for corporate PR.

focus helping your customers

#3. Use topics and keywords to precisely target

COVID-19 is a most important and hot news, that can be affirmed that this is the most current news in the world. Every topic is pandemic-related, people spend more time online than ever before. They read updates every hour, share information and go online to find relevant products to help protect themselves.

This is an opportunity for brands in areas to build closer relationships with consumers.

The use of online data analysis AI tools to determine who is reading the content about COVID-19 and the type of content that is of most interest. Then target audience segments are based on select topics or keywords to create relevant content for more precise targeting.

Use topics and keywords to precisely target

#4. Enhance applications and online content

During the time of social isolation, people must limit communication and entertainment activities. At the same time the need to keep up with the epidemic situation, government policies, local newsletters, etc. almost tie people to online devices most of the time except for sleeping time. So how can businesses fully exploit this?

Take advantage of online marketing channels such as website, Facebook, shopping, learning, online games to reach customers, promote your brand and boost sales. Industries like health, food, fitness – sports, etc., can easily create content that is relevant to attracting customers. For example, videos on how to do simple exercises, foods that increase resistance, and support equipment at home to help them fight the virus. However, other industries can create content associated with products and services that still provide useful information for readers. Or create applications, online courses, intellectual games, online books, … attract downloads and use them during this time.

Enhance applications and online content

#5. Ensure brand safety in advertising messages

In this sensitive time, the message and the content of the advertisement are very important, affecting the business image. In order to avoid creating negative impressions that damage brand reputation, businesses need to analyze market needs and understand customer psychology to select appropriate advertising services, impressive advertising messages as well as enhance business efficiency? Use your intelligence, creativity and sensitivity to reality to evoke customers’ needs and offer compelling content to make the impossible seem possible.

Ensure brand safety in advertising messages

#6. Accompany customers through multi-channel communication

If businesses are facing difficulties such as high market demand but are passive by government policies to prevent viruses, it takes time for the operation to adapt, or difficulties due to sourcce of materials, production facilities closed … it is very important to actively provide information to your customers.

Try  always updating to your clients all information related to the order, including the expected delivery time and the reason for the delay if any. This way the business will minimize the level of dissatisfaction and prevent customers from seeking products from competitors.

To ensure access and respond to orders or resolve complaints, use multi-channel communications (web, email, social networks, phone messages or in-app messaging) to take care of customers. at the same time bring consumers closer to business brands.

Accompany customers through multi-channel communication

#7. Focus and take care of loyal customers

In a time of almost completely isolated society, people are recommended to restrict going out, which promotes e-commerce to grow faster than ever. However, the problem of limiting inventories, increasing production progress, or inadequate internal processes make sales and delivery more difficult.

So instead of trying to get new customers, e-commerce marketers should focus on better responding to existing customers with the highest value/quality of service. These are customers who will stick and spend more to overcome the crisis.

Analyze your customer data and identify your loyal customers. Take a look at your clients behavior and work on forms to target segment your audience and then predict the conversion rates for each group. When you have a full view, you can adjust your engage campaigns accordingly.

Although the current market is relatively bleak, make sure your business will support their customers, keep contact information with them and adjust marketing strategies accordingly. Businesses should take this opportunity to strengthen the image, trust in the minds of customers and prepare for a breakthrough as soon as the market recovers.

For more information on Graphicwise’s services, please visit,, or hotline +84-903-660-047 for a free initial consultation, and to experience new ways to promote your business.

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1604, 2020

Marketing strategies to help businesses overcome the crisis by COVID-19 pandemic

digital marketing in Vietnam- Graphicwise



Marketing strategies to help businesses overcome the crisis by COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 is sweeping the world, and even if it goes through, the severe impact on Vietnam’s economy and the world is inevitable. How to minimize risks and increase development opportunities for businesses in this difficult period? That is the question that many headache managers.

Some of the marketing solutions below are suggestions to help businesses flexible strategies, optimize costs, maximize profits and maintain business efficiency at least in the time of the pandemic while increasing muscle Assembly development in the future.

#1. Review and optimize brand activities

Review and optimize brand activities - Marketing strategies

When a pandemic broke out, trading activities between customers and shops and businesses encountered many obstacles. The troubled economy has forced consumers to tighten spending and pay only for quality and truly necessary products. Therefore, according to habits and instincts, consumers often prefer to choose the brand’s products in the “top-of-mind” (the number one position in their minds). Businesses want to sell products at this time, so they need to focus on reviewing and optimizing their operations and brand recognition.

For customers to choose their products, businesses need to have a brand good enough for customers to “Know” – to recognize the brand, “Belief” – ​​to buy from the brand and “Love” – ​​to be loyal to That brand.

In summary, focusing on brand optimization is a strategy to quickly increase sales, especially on digital media such as websites, fan pages, mobile apps …

#2. Establish a market on the Internet

Establish a market on the Internet

Following recent decisions and directives of government agencies banning gatherings, closing some services and advising people to stay home to reduce the risk of coronavirus spread. Therefore, online communication, shopping, and information updates will increase more than usual. This is the golden time for businesses to prioritize the development of e-commerce and they have also realized the importance of e-commerce that businesses can not overlook, and should fully exploit to avoid missing out.

First, you need to revise your website to see if it meets the specifications, or is optimal. If you do not have a professional website, you should start building immediately, and you should conduct deployment and promote other channels to reach customers like Youtube, Facebook, Zalo,…

#3. Ad optimization

Ad optimization

The common mentality of businesses during the epidemic season is to cut down all advertising costs. However, these cuts need to be carefully considered by businesses because advertising has always been considered an effective channel to bring in high revenue.

From large businesses to small business individuals are using Facebook as an extremely effective sales tool.
Compared to the amount paid to run ads on Google Ads, Facebook Ads in some items bring a relatively high ROI compared to some other forms of advertising.

#4. Take PR articles for products and businesses

Take PR articles for products and businesses

From the day when the coronavirus broke out, most internet users in Vietnam updated information about the disease hourly and daily through reputable websites and large fan page. Creating PR articles that are topical at the same time integrating products and brands of businesses and putting them on appropriate online newspapers and fan pages is one way to promote brands and increase sales.

#5. Impressive and unique communication ideas

Impressive and unique communication ideas - Marketing strategies

One day, internet users are exposed to dozens, hundreds of advertisements, so what is the company’s social networking ad special to attract and come to their mind?

Differentiating points can start from the product title, can use the title with large font size, capital letters or with special characters to evoke customer curiosity and attention.

On the other hand, creating content and images related to coronavirus but no less unique, funny, rewarding and inspiring, … help customers easily recognize the convenience of the product, and at the same time making a lasting impression in their minds.

In addition, having to stay at home also makes customers feel mysterious, so creating images, status lines that describe their moods will help bring a good emotional state to customers. have sympathy and pay more attention to the products and services of the business.

#6. Content optimization

Content optimization

What do customers want and need to hear during this time? What value can an enterprise brand provide? Answering these questions will help administrators begin developing the content marketing strategies necessary to reach them.

If you can leverage the season to create new trends, and connect that trend with products/services, it is also considered a successful campaign for brand communication and business products. Karma. But if the business has not done that, then proactively catch up with new trends and at the same time provide customers with new information, new tastes, latest products, and best quality.

#7. Referral Marketing

Referral Marketing - Marketing strategies

The cost difference of a Referral marketing campaign and a traditional Marketing campaign is really incredible.

The referral marketing is more effective with more economical cost, moreover, customers tend to believe in the recommendation of friends and relatives rather than through media campaigns and brand advertising. So businesses can through their customers recommend products to their friends.

However, it is first necessary to select and build personal brands for your loyal customers. When there are objective customers, reputable and reliable, the business will receive the trust and choice of future customers.

Businesses can encourage customers with gifts, bonuses or other incentives when successfully introduced.

#8. Use video review

Use video review

Video marketing today is more popular and popular than using content and images. However, how to create videos that attract viewers and earn the trust of users also requires the subtlety and ingenuity of the business. If the business speaks well about its product, it will be considered as “advertising”, but customers who speak well about the product will be much more appreciated for the truth.

In addition, because of the epidemic impact, users have more time to use their phones to surf social networks, learn about the product will increase. Take advantage of this, along with customers who have used your product to shoot review videos so that customers can feel the real, real product. A review video with compelling comments, the feeling of closeness, authenticity, no PR advertising will help increase sales quickly.

#9. Put tactful seeding tactics

Put tactful seeding tactics

Seeding is increasing the activity of businesses in forums, on online communities as users to aim to convey messages that are beneficial to the brand. Consumers tend to consult with previous customers before making buying decisions.

With good product feedback or lots of people interested in a product, users tend to be more persuasive and make a purchase.

#10. Optimize customer feedback

Optimize customer feedback

Celebrities greatly influence the buying behavior of the vast majority of people, especially young people today.

Put that information on your website or fan page as a testament to the reputation and dissemination to the public. Your product is also from that famous. Make sure you get permission from them first.

Hopefully the above information is useful for businesses when developing their business and marketing strategies during the epidemic. If you have any questions or need support about marketing solutions, do not hesitate to contact us at, or hotline + 84-903-660-047 for advice. Free and experience brand new breakthroughs.

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1104, 2020

10 Digital Marketing Ideas to Consider During the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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10 Digital Marketing Ideas to Consider During the Coronavirus

#1. Connect With Your Customers on Social Media During a Critical Moment

We’re all dealing with the impact the coronavirus outbreak has had on our lives whether you’ve tested positive or not. We’re all taking precautions. We’re locked in our homes and our kids aren’t in school. We can’t visit our friends. We can’t eat at our favorite restaurants or go out to the movies. Sure, all minor conveniences but jarring nonetheless. This is a time to really show empathy to others and help out where you can. This is a time we all need to be sensitive — and not too salesy or pushy — but it’s a great opportunity for your brand to stand out during a difficult time. More people are on social media now while stuck at home, scanning for updates and trying to stay connected in a suddenly isolated nation.

Also, use your business to contribute to area food banks or assist the elderly with their grocery shopping. And promote your good deeds with social media marketing to help build your brand.

It’s a unique opportunity for brands to unite together! said Thrive social media manager Savannah Keck. Our communities need each other now more than ever. People need support, understanding, education, resources. Social media can provide just that and can be extremely powerful if it’s done correctly.

#2. Make Sure Your Business Can Be Found Online

In case you haven’t noticed, more people are online right now than in their cars or walking the sidewalks. Search traffic has increased significantly over the past week and will continue to climb as we hunker down. We’re all glued to our computers and phones looking for updates within our community. We’re also looking for entertainment and ways to pass the time. For many, that includes shopping online.

Anything online right now will be consumed more than ever before. This is not the time to be hidden online. You should be using search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to climb to the top of Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs) so your business can be easily found. This is not a time for a business to go into a shell and poke out your head every few days to see if the sun has come out.

People still place orders and need things even when at home, said Thrive senior SEO manager Carlos Rosado. “A lot of people still contact companies during work hours, and that is not going to change just because they are home. Your competition may adjust but that doesn’t mean you have to stop everything and lose sales.

#3. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising is a Smart Move Right Now

With more people at home in front of their screens, it’s a great opportunity for businesses to use PPC marketing to connect with their customers and gain a competitive advantage. Oh, and it’s a great chance to save some money within your digital marketing budget. On average, cost-per-clicks have decreased by 6 percent across all verticals since last week, according to Thrive senior PPC manager Jacob Wulff. And CPC is likely to continue to decrease in the coming week, reducing the amount of money an advertiser pays a publisher for every ad click. That gives your business another opportunity to scoop up that lost market share from others pulling back during this time.

It’s a great time to continue your digital marketing as other advertisers may go offline at this time, said Thrive PPC manager John Powell, “and businesses can capture traffic and conversions because of reduced competition. We have clients’ best interests in mind and work to provide solutions to maintain exposure while prioritizing budget spend during these uncertain times.

#4. Stay Ahead or Jump In Front of Your Competition

SEO helps your business increase organic traffic to your website and move past your competition. You want to be on the front page of the Google SERPs — and at the top of the list — so that when your customers search for certain keywords you’re the company they end up calling. To climb to the top of the SERPs takes time and strategic optimization strategies. If you don’t continue to optimize your website and content daily, you lose valuable ground in the search results and your freefall could cost your business thousands of dollars in lost revenue.

It’s important to stay ahead of the curve and do whatever is possible to keep your website updated and optimized, said Thrive senior demand generation manager Alan Muther. The level of competition within businesses will probably increase in the near future and it’s also important to remain competitive with your digital marketing strategy to help your site rank higher than competitors.

What you don’t want to do is halt an SEO campaign. That can be a critical mistake for your business. Your leads and revenue will suffer. But if others choose to pull back on SEO, it’s also a perfect time for your business to push even harder to surpass your competitors.

Competitors may be stopping their campaigns because of their fear of what is ahead or their current situation, said Thrive SEO manager Cesar Zambrano. This is a great time to strengthen your campaign in order to improve your rankings and potentially outrank competitors.

#5. Prepare Your Business For the Bounce-Back Surge

As we noted earlier, the coronavirus outbreak should fade (just as it has in China) after a few months. That’s when normalcy returns and consumers’ spending habits stabilize. You have to remember that SEO is more of a long-term strategy. What you do today for your SEO campaign will affect your organic search traffic two months from now. Pausing your SEO campaign now could have a detrimental impact on your revenue potential two months from now when the coronavirus starts to become a distant memory.

As SEO professionals, the work we do today will affect the results months from now, said Thrive SEO strategist Dan Casey. If you stop the momentum now when the market starts to rise you won’t see the results you want. Anticipate the low times, prepare and press now while others are letting up. The results will be in your favor when you will need it.

#6. Unique Circumstances Provide Opportunities for a Special Offer

During this uncertain time period, you have the opportunity to show support for your customer base by offering special discounts that will keep your revenue flowing. Identify your product-market fit and create a special offer. Many people are at home browsing, looking for discounts to save money during a time of unrest. It’s a great way to engage with your customers and keep a steady stream of revenue that will keep your doors open. You can push out your special offers through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and social media.

Be prepared to jump into action with new strategies to help your brand come back to a ‘healthy market,’ said Claudia Cruz, Thrive’s link building manager. The preparation should start today.

#7. Local SEO is now More Relevant; So Are Your Online Reviews

We’ve all reduced our travel and are staying close to home. In the rare times when we do leave our house, we’re looking for nearby destinations for services and supplies. So you want to make sure your business is using local SEO strategies to optimize your website for “near me” searches. You want customers in your geo region to be able to easily find you online so they turn to you first. At a time when we’re all looking for more convenience, this gives your business a chance to provide assistance during a critical time for families.

Another way to boost your local SEO during this time is to not forget about the importance of adding positive reviews. During the coronavirus, online reputation management is as important as ever because this is a great time to really connect with your target audience during a chaotic time. To provide the right service or product for people during a stressful time like this — when they need it most during this COVID-19 pandemic — is likely to be rewarded with a glowing review.

Even though Google My Business (GMB) has temporarily suspended publishing online reviews, you should still push to get reviews submitted so they publish when GMB returns to normal. One way to boost your brand during a crisis is turn to a professional online reputation management company such as Rize Reviews to help you with your review responses.

Companies have a tremendous opportunity to improve their Google review profile during this time of crisis, said Tim Clarke, Rize Reviews’ senior reputation manager. Many businesses will not add reviews because of closures and lack of attention, so some companies can create a competitive advantage with a proactive approach.

This is also the perfect time to start an Amazon marketing campaign to take advantage of the eCommerce surge.

Now is a perfect time for eCommerce businesses to leverage digital marketing, said Thrive SEO manager Josh Gazelka. There has been a massive influx of consumers shopping online with recent events, causing businesses such as Amazon to hire nearly 100,000 new employees to prepare for the increase in business. Utilize digital marketing now to stand out.

#8. Be Prepared to Pivot as a Business and Inform Your Customers

In a fluid situation, your business should also be fluid. This is a time that you should find ways to connect with your customers like never before. It shows empathy and keeps you relevant at a time when your business may have been impacted by people staying at home. For instance, restaurants are shutting down right now because customers aren’t dining in. You should make sure you’re offering free delivery services. Just the other day, a local Dallas restaurant emailed offering three ways to get their food into their customers’ hands: delivery, curbside ordering and parking lot pickup. Also, let your customers know you’ve increased your sanitary practices and how you’re doing that specifically.

But other businesses should pivot right now, too, as we stay in. Gyms have closed their doors in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, but why not offer online workout classes right now? Dentists could offer online consultations. Grocery stores should offer free curbside pickup. All of these opportunities can be boosted with strategic social media campaigns.

Since people are forced to be quarantined at the moment, there will be more eyeballs than ever before online so people will be consuming more digital marketing on all fronts, said Thrive social media director Nhi Shirley. People will be looking to social media especially for updates on closures, new procedures for businesses and news. They will also be looking to see how brands and businesses are reacting to the current business environment. Now is probably the most important time to be visible digitally because other forms of traditional marketing will be stalled.

#9. Don’t Fall Victim to the Panic Move

How much toilet paper do you have at your house right now? If your answer is a closet full, you’re likely one of the people who flocked to the store when the coronavirus hysteria started to accelerate over the weekend. That’s not how you want to react if you want to implement a smart digital marketing strategy. You never want to make a panic move. You always want to use metrics and analyze all of the data you have available before making a decision.

Knee-jerk reactions usually don’t end well in digital marketing. Take caution when quickly reacting to a sudden shift in the economy or market.

The economy isn’t stopping, Wulff said. Homeowners still need home service providers. People still need goods and services. Money is still changing hands and consumers are still relying on Google to find people to do business with.

#10. Use this Down Time to Finish Your Digital To-Do Lists

Now that you’re not commuting to the office or taking in-person meetings, your schedule has likely freed up some time for you. Those marketing items that may have fallen through the cracks and been overlooked can now be addressed.

Perhaps your website needs a fresh look with a redesign. Thrive’s website design professionals can overhaul your website in two months all while working remotely. This is also a great time to have a conversion rate optimization specialist perform a CRO audit of your website to ensure your call-to-actions (CTAs) are turning leads into customers. Also, it’s an ideal time to do an SEO audit of your website to ensure you’re maximizing your optimization strategies.

This is a perfect time for self-improvement, said Thrive SEO strategist Matt Garrett. Use your newfound spare time to work on your SEO presence, like cleaning the house on a snow day.

For more information on Graphicwise’s services, please visit,, or hotline +84-903-660-047 for a free initial consultation, and to experience new ways to promote your business.

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1311, 2019

SEO Marketing in Ho Chi Minh City – Why is SEO So Important?

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SEO marketing in Ho Chi Minh City. Why is SEO so important?

In this era of technology and digital content, your website becomes a significant communication channel to expose your business to potential customers, whether worldwide, or local. Creating an eye-catching website and maintaining it is just the beginning, but bringing valuable targeted traffic to the website is vital for business success. The mechanism behind the positioning of a website for better visibility and greater visitor engagement is called SEO. SEO marketing has now become a very important aspect of digital marketing, often making or breaking a business based on how strong a company’s SEO marketing campaign is.

While SEO is a science as it involves so many meticulous details and layers that must perfectly align for success, it is important to know the basics so that you can make a more educated decision about any future digital marketing or SEO marketing campaigns.

SEO Marketing in Ho Chi Minh City

So, what exactly is SEO?

SEO, or “Search Engine Optimization” is the process of optimizing or improving your website to get organic, or un-paid, traffic from the search engine results page. SEO involves making a multitude of small to large improvements to your website design, structure, code, and content that will, in turn, improve the ranking of your site based on various key-phrase searches.

Look at it this way. The same way you may rent a more desirable and highly visible storefront on a busy street to attract passers-by, SEO helps your website become more attractive and more visible to those you wish to target. While SEO is not an end-all solution that will solve all your marketing problems, it is a very strong start and critical building block in increasing the likelihood of grabbing people’s attention.

SEO marketing is also important because your competitors are most probably partaking in SEO efforts, and in time, will dominate the top listings on Google, drowning out your business for good. By opting to have a digital marketing agency handle your SEO marketing needs, you can be sure to continuously improve your position on search engines, and allowing more people to find you.

Despite what some may suggest, SEO is a non-stop continuous effort that should never be paused or suspended. That’s because Google, in an effort to even the playing field, changes search and ranking algorithms on regular basis, meaning what may have worked for you to rank well one month, may not help much another month. Therefore, SEO marketing becomes a cat-and-mouse game, learning what changes must be made to perform, and what new strategies must be implemented to overcome any drop or poor performance from one month to the next.

Why SEO matters

SEO matters because depending on how effectively it was utilized, your business could be a customer’s first choice instead of their 30th option.

SEO can maximize a business’s revenue because it has the potential to attract a large number of targeted customers who are directly interested in your products or services. With billions of smartphones in the world, and 80% of the population connected to the internet in some way or another, finding services and products is now done through Google and other search engines.

By implementing a solid SEO marketing campaign, website owners can save on traditional and modern advertising costs, as other forms of print or even online marketing (such as Pay Per Click or PPC) can become very expensive.

SEO can also improve brand reputation by appearing more on search results and support the development of website promotion channels. To be fair, SEO isn’t just a Google thing, or even just a search engine thing. SEO helps promote the brands on a variety of platforms, not only within Google but also on social networks and all channels where users appear. Using good SEO is the best way to make sure a particular piece of user-generated content gets seen on a very large network. The more a brand appears on the internet, the more people will be aware of its existence, and would more likely revisit at time of need.

Graphicwise in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam believes the ingredients to any successful branding and digital marketing campaign is research, strategy, talent, and execution. That’s why Graphicwise has been successful in helping hundreds of businesses develop powerful brands and marketing campaigns since 2000, giving each client the right tools to differentiate themselves from their competitors and attract more loyal quality customers. For more information on Graphicwise’s services, please visit,, or contact our team for a free initial consultation, and to experience new ways to promote your business.

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